(Harrisonburg, VA, September 8, 2015) – Insurance Center of Harrisonburg has earned the highest award from insurance carrier MutualAid eXchange (MAX).
The MAX Premier Agency designation recognizes Insurance Center of Harrisonburg’s commitment to MAX’s fair, faithful and socially responsible insurance coverage and business practices.
“MAX is a company built on faith, strong values and service to others. That’s the kind of independent agents we look for and we’re proud to recognize the Insurance Center of Harrisonburg for being among the best of these,” said David Wine, CEO of MAX.
Daniel Layman and Mike Rodes are co-principles of the agency. “Our motto is “Insurance with Integrity,” Layman and Rodes said. “Our guiding principle is to treat our clients according to the Golden Rule.”
To earn the award the Insurance Center of Harrisonburg met several criteria including:
- Commitment to the MAX values of
o Treating others as you would like to be treated
o Faith in a higher power, and
o Doing good in the world
- Support for MAX’s Mutual Aid Ministries program that provides emergency grants to faith communities, families and individuals who are facing extreme financial hardships.
- Ambitious sales and retention targets.
Insurance Center of Harrisonburg is located at 981 S. High Street, Harrisonburg. Phone: 540-433-1519. Fax: 540-433-6847. Website: www.ICOH.com. E-mail: info@icoh.com
MAX is headquartered at 4400 College Boulevard, Suite 250, Overland Park, KS 66211. To learn more about MAX and Mutual Aid Ministries, visit www.MAXInsurance.com.
Photo: Daniel Layman and Michael Rodes receiving plaque from Deana Richardson, MAX Virginia Sales Manager.