Jobes Insurance Agency and MAX Insurance® Support 4-H Hog Show at Knox County Fair

(MT VERNON, OH) – The Jobes Insurance Agency of Mount Vernon has been a long-time supporter of 4-H and the Knox County Fair.  The past two years Jobes Insurance Agency partnered with MutualAid eXchange (“MAX”) Insurance to support the 4-H Hog Show.  With a grant from MAX and their own contribution, Jobes covered the costs of the Hog Show including the judges, ribbons, trophies, the clean pen award and the purchase of several animals.

“We hope this demonstrates to the young people and their families that we appreciate how hard they work and the value of their contributions to the community,” said Ashley Jobes, principal of the agency.  “We strongly believe that 4-H and the Knox County Fair are so important in our youth’s development.  The leadership, responsibility and life skills our youth learn through 4-H are so positive not only for our children, but for our community as well.  The youth are our future leaders.”

Jobes Insurance Agency is an independent insurance agency representing MAX in Mount Vernon and surrounding areas.  MAX is a fair, faithful and socially responsible home insurance company that was founded on religious principles.  Today it serves people of all faith backgrounds.  It created the Mutual Aid Ministries Agent Community Grant program as a way to partner with their network of independent agents who identify and want to support worthy projects in their communities.

“MAX is more than an insurance company.  We truly care beyond the contract,” said David Wine, President and Chief Executive Officer.  “When Ashley told us about the hog show, we were more than happy to lend our support.  We think that’s the way insurance should be.”

For more information:

Jobes Insurance Agency
Ashley Jobes
444 Columbus Road Ste. E
Mount Vernon, OH  43050

MAX Insurance® and Mutual Aid Ministries, visit


Guy Wood Insurance and MAX Insurance® donate to HAPPY FEET Program

(MOUNT VERNON, IL) – Shopping for brand name gym shoes at the beginning of the school year is not always possible for underprivileged children and youth in Mount Vernon.  Thanks to a grant from Guy Wood Insurance and their partner MutualAid eXchange (“MAX”), the HAPPY FEET Project can purchase more gym shoes for children who need them most.

“The HAPPY FEET Project is an outreach program of Kingdom Seed Ministries,” said Marsha Dodson of Guy Wood Insurance in Mount Vernon.  “Throughout the year, they raise funds and coordinate with a local shoe store to provide children with new gym shoes at the beginning of the school year. Providing this grant during the summer is great timing to support the HAPPY FEET Project.”

Guy Wood Insurance is an independent insurance agency representing MAX in Mount Vernon and surrounding areas.  MAX is a fair, faithful and socially responsible home insurance company that was founded on religious principles.  Today it serves people of all faith backgrounds.  It created the Mutual Aid Ministries Agent Community Grant program as a way to partner with their network of independent agents who identify and want to support worthy projects in their communities.

Photo:  Todd Piper from Guy Wood Insurance presenting check to Monte Jo Clark of Kingdom Seed Ministries, Inc., and staff of Guy Wood Insurance:  Ben Piper, Brandy Hensley, Barb Umbaugh, Marsha Dodson and Karen Hodges.  

For more information:

Guy Wood Insurance
Marsha Dodson
1400 Broadway
Mount Vernon, IL 62864

MAX Insurance® and Mutual Aid Ministries, visit


MAX Mindfulness: Open Hands

By Dave Wine

I invite you to think about the difference between open hands and closed fists.  There have been some interesting medical studies that indicate some pretty major differences in our heart rates; blood pressure; and cortisol (stress) levels during experiments using these two dynamics.  As you may have guessed, open extended hands lowered heart rates, lowered blood pressure and lowered cortisol.  Closed fists raised the same measurements.

I’ve thought about this in more than just physical terms.  When I’m “open” I’m more receptive to others input and opinions, I’m freer to express myself, I feel more spacious, I’m more loving, I feel better, I’m more relaxed.   When I’m “closed” I tend towards being uptight, limited in my thinking, more stubborn, more judging, and feel smaller.  And… you can mindfully watch and feel your body and know what is happening in your mind!   Not only your fists, but is your body tense, tight, closed?  Or it is open, relaxed and inviting?  Your physical health will be optimized when you are open.  And equally important, you will be a better listener, thinker, and doer when open and relaxed as well.  As your body frees itself, so goes your mind and vice versa.  We are intimately connected physically and mentally and our bodies follow our mind.

You can mindfully ask yourself at different points during the day….Am I open?  Am I closed off?  Even just opening your hands wide, even when feeling closed, can help open your body and mind to greater health.  Try it.  Make a fist and then open your hands and see which feels more spacious, open, loving, and helpful?

Photo of Dave Wine David Wine

David is the President and CEO of the MAX enterprise, having served in that capacity since its formation in 2001.   He has forty plus years of  leadership experience in the business and faith-based worlds, being an ordained minister, having been elected to the highest position in his denomination,  and receiving numerous awards and recognition for his leadership in the insurance industry. He currently serves on numerous boards in the church and insurance sectors.  His hobbies include hiking, biking, skiing and snowshoeing as well as being an avid reader.  David and his wife, Sharon, have three daughters, a son, and five grandchildren.