One of the most difficult things for any organization to “get right” for any organization is a compelling, descriptive vision statement and accompanying mission statement.
These concepts are best explained with the following questions:
- A vision statement answers the question: How do we want the world to change?
- A mission statement then answers this question: What will we do to change it?
MAX is far ahead of so many organizations in defining ourselves exceptionally well. Our vision statement answers clearly how we want the world to change. The world and its people, communities and property, are often broken, fragmented and less than whole – a far cry from the “state of completion” that wholeness defines.
Into that brokenness MAX steps in with a resounding vision: We will do our part to contribute to our world by “creating and sustaining WHOLENESS.” How do we want the world to change? We want it to be healed, put back into a state of wholeness and we want to do our part to provide that healing.
What will we do to change it – to help it get to a state of wholeness? We will do it through “preserving and restoring property, lives and communities through a combination of quality insurance programs and mutual aid ministries” – our mission. Note again – it is both insurance and mutual aid. Our mission weaves both of those together to enable us to be agents of wholeness.
“MAX is not just insurance and it is not another service agency,” says David Wine, MAX president. “It is a very unique combination of the two that could (and should) be modeled by many more companies, not just insurance, to bring wholeness to our world.”
“Every action we take and decision we make should be founded upon answering the question – What will we do to change our world toward wholeness?” he says.
MAX team members, agents and board members are working in a bold new way to bring healing and completeness to places where brokenness and fragmentation exist. What a wonderful and meaningful way to do our vocational work!
Photo by h.koppdelaney