(CORYDON, IA) – The American Legion building in Corydon will be able to install an air conditioner unit, something it has never had before, thanks to a grant from Cook Insurance and their partner, MutualAid eXchange (“MAX”) Insurance.

“The American Legion hosts several events each summer and without air conditioning, the building gets quite hot and uncomfortable”, said Truett Pershy of Cook Insurance.  “American Legion members, along with Corydon Bible Church have also contributed to the purchase of the air conditioning unit,” he said. “We are pleased to partner with MAX insurance and its community grant program to make this gift possible.”

Cook Insurance is an independent insurance agency representing MAX Insurance® in Cuba and surrounding areas.  MAX Insurance®, based in Overland Park, KS, is a unique fair, faithful and socially responsible insurance enterprise.  Founded on religious principles, the company’s mission is to restore wholeness to communities and individuals in need.  It lives out its mission through a variety of quality, fairly-priced insurance products, outstanding personalized customer service and its non-profit Mutual Aid Ministries (“MAM”) program.

“MAX is more than an insurance company.  We truly care beyond the contract,” said David Wine, President and Chief Executive Officer.  “That’s why we are excited to partner with Cook Insurance to help an organization in their community.”

For more information:

Cook Insurance
Truett Pershy
109 West Jackson Street
Corydon, IA 50060
email tpershy@cookins.us
phone 641-872-2152
website www.CookInsuranceIowa.com.

MAX Insurance® and Mutual Aid Ministries, visit www.MAXInsurance.com.
