Our vision is creating and sustaining wholeness. What exactly does that mean for an insurance company? Well, the term wholeness refers to being complete, fulfilled and capable of living a healthy, happy, balanced life. At MAX, we believe the security and protections we provide through our products, services and Mutual Aid Ministries can help our members protect, create and sustain wholeness in their personal and professional lives.
Our mission states that we live out our vision of wholeness by preserving and restoring property, lives and communities through fair, faithful and socially responsible insurance programs, and Mutual Aid Ministries. We stand alongside our members as they create, build and sustain a life for themselves and their families. To do this, we educate our members to protect and preserve what they have through careful maintenance and safety precautions, and when there is a loss, we partner with them to help replace and restore wholeness in their lives. In extreme cases of loss or financial calamity, our unique Mutual Aid Ministries program is there to “Care Beyond the Contract”.
Are you a member of MAX yet? Contact us today and we’ll be happy to tell you more about how we live out our vision and mission.